Localization or globalization?
How far should a website be translated?
Let me explain to you why what we call "cheese" (see below for definition) is important, with a few examples.
From websites to apps and games, a large part of globalization is about localizing content.
- But why is this process so important?
- And above all, how to avoid failure?
The localization is the process of adapting content to a specific market or region. This process is important because it allows users to have the impression that content has been designed for them, and not just adapted to them.
User experience is crucial, and localization is one of the best ways to achieve it.
To make it short:
The world has gone global (hyper-connected) and content needs to be localized!
✅ When done correctly, localization can be your best friend.
❌ When done incorrectly, it can lead to failure. Keep reading ⤵ to learn more about how localization can help you avoid failure!
▶ Examples just for you on how to increase (at least) your sales 😉 !
1. Question of color, beware!
EN (traduit ici) : « Et vous pourriez par hasard apercevoir un écureuil gris gourmand en quête de nourriture… »
See the nag? ...still not?
Well, squirrels are simply not the same in France as in the UK or North America!
➡ FR localized: « Et vous apercevrez peut-être un de ces écureuils roux voraces en quête de nourriture… » (Red squirrels are the ones in France)
2. Money matters.
EN : « Special price this month : £28, 300. »
See that? Yes, brilliant!
French currency is the euro (placed after) with no comma in big numbers (otherwise it's a decimal), plus the proper conversion.
➡ FR localisé : « Prix exceptionnel ce mois-ci : 32 000 €. »
3. Cheese matters.
Nous appelons « fromage » un contenu web entier, englobant les 2e, 3e ou 4e couches CAT ou toute autre couche de prospects supplémentaire.
🚨 If there's a hole, there's trouble! The consumer can feel excluded, even ignored, and there's nothing worse. And your bounce rate goes up.
The solution: localize your cheese.
The short MP4 above this article explains it all, cheesy peasy.
sgrenier.traductions, 2023.