What's in there?
  • some infography
  • tips and tricks for your business
  • under the spotlight section
  • some short articles
  • some useful links
  • some fun with words and idioms
About what?

A variety of topics related to:

  • translation and its trends.
  • translation services.
  • the environmental, maritime, science or marketing fields.
                                                                                                                                       Enjoy your reading!

Some infography

Countries investing the most in AI in 2023. (FR)
Languages in the world - Overview.(EN)

Tips and advice

Find your provider quickly. The foundations of collaboration. (FR)
Your data processed with the latest tech tools: how secure can it be? (EN)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...........MORE TO COME SOON!…………………………………………………………………………………………………………........................

Some information & spotlights, to watch. 👀

Reference systems and benthic bottoms: lists or typologies? (FR-EN)
Why end-to-end localization of CTAs is essential. (EN)

Short articles

Localization and disarray: the baraganes example


💬 "What did you pick up? Some baraganes? Ah... what's that?"

(conversation between friends, after a weekend away)


But I was quite proud to have found some! And not just anywhere: on the slopes of the beautiful Cité de Carcassonne. Proud to have spotted them, proud to have been able to pick them up at dusk, with the help of my Laguiole knife.

🥬 Reflection 1: Did we speak the same #language? Yes.

🥬 Reflection 2: Were we all from the south of France? Yes.

🥬 Reflection 3: Was this a #neologism, a new product of #communicationmarketing? Not at all!


So what, then?

Nothing less than the sign of a #diversity #linguistic in decline. They have little or nothing to do with it, my friends. Globalization and the #standardization of forms of expression are, dooming #regional particularisms.

Is that so?

I can see you coming: what about this chocolatine?

Well, it has become a particularism erected as a symbolic synecdoche.

A little cheeky, a little friendly, a little Asterix-like: the term remains transparent enough for everyone to play with. A national water battle.


What about my baraganes, then?

It's interesting to note at this point that what disappears from our environment no longer finds an opportunity to be named.

This is where we name it:

        #localization in disarray.      

Baraganes, which used to grow in spring between the rows of vines or on their edges, are now rarely found in the South-West of France. Aggressive treatments, weeding and other "sanitizing" of the rows and surrounding areas have taken their toll on this tasty marvel.



So, unless it (re)becomes the stuff of clever and... cheeky marketing, the term baragane is very likely to end up as Vercingetorix.


*baragane: wild leek. Regional term from Bordeaux.


                                                                         sgrenier.traductions, 2023.

Localization or globalization? 

How far should a website be translated?

Let me explain to you why what we call "cheese" (see below for definition) is important, with a few examples.

From websites to apps and games, a large part of globalization is about localizing content.

  • But why is this process so important?
  • And above all, how to avoid failure?


The localization is the process of adapting content to a specific market or region. This process is important because it allows users to have the impression that content has been designed for them, and not just adapted to them.

User experience is crucial, and localization is one of the best ways to achieve it.

To make it short:

The world has gone global (hyper-connected) and content needs to be localized!

✅ When done correctly, localization can be your best friend.

❌ When done incorrectly, it can lead to failure. Keep reading ⤵ to learn more about how localization can help you avoid failure!


▶ Examples just for you on how to increase (at least) your sales 😉 !

1. Question of color, beware!

EN (traduit ici) : « Et vous pourriez par hasard apercevoir un écureuil gris gourmand en quête de nourriture… »

See the nag? ...still not?

Well, squirrels are simply not the same in France as in the UK or North America!

FR localized: « Et vous apercevrez peut-être un de ces écureuils roux voraces en quête de nourriture… » (Red squirrels are the ones in France)

2. Money matters.

EN : « Special price this month : £28, 300. »

See that? Yes, brilliant!

French currency is the euro (placed after) with no comma in big numbers (otherwise it's a decimal), plus the proper conversion.

FR localisé : « Prix exceptionnel ce mois-ci : 32 000 €. »

3. Cheese matters.

Nous appelons « fromage » un contenu web entier, englobant les 2e, 3e ou 4e couches CAT ou toute autre couche de prospects supplémentaire.


🚨 If there's a hole, there's trouble! The consumer can feel excluded, even ignored, and there's nothing worse. And your bounce rate goes up.

The solution: localize your cheese.

The short MP4 above this article explains it all, cheesy peasy.


                                                              sgrenier.traductions, 2023.

Terminology, idioms and games

Nautical and maritime

A little nautical terminology (FR-EN)

The sea and its words (FR)

Common marine expressions (EN-FR)

Word games and other linguistic oddities.

Let's give pride of place here to that peculiarity that's still all too human when demonstrated voluntarily, sometimes brilliantly, often playfully: the metathesis, better known as spoonerism. 👉



They said it:

Jeux de mots… Jeux de vilains !
Henri JeansonHenri Jeanson
"Machines are far more accustomed to puns than humans."
Alberto Savinio


"You shouldn't spit on puns. The worst ones go to the best friends. That's the ineffable price of intimacy."
Daniel PennacDaniel Pennac